
Components Of Hardware Software And Peopleware Of Computer

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< A-level Computing‎ AQA‎ Paper 2‎ Fundamentals of computer systems(Redirected from A-level Computing/AQA/Computer Components, The Stored Program Concept and the Internet/Fundamentals of Computer Systems/Hardware and software)

Every computer is composed of two basic components: hardware and software. Hardware includes the Physical features, which are every part that you can either see or touch, for example: monitor, case, keyboard, mouse, and printer. The part which activates the physical components cs alled software. It includes the features that responsible for directing the work to the hardware.

PAPER 2 - ⇑ Fundamentals of computer systems ⇑

Relationship between hardware and softwareClassification of software →

Hardware - Physical components that make up a computer system

Software - Computer programs and related data that provide the instructions for telling computer hardware what to do and how to do it

Five Major Hardware Components Of A Computer

Hardware and Software have a symbiotic relationship, this means that without software hardware is very limited; and without hardware, software wouldn't be able to run at all. They need each other to fulfill their potential.

Standard hardware componentsThe relationship between Hardware and Software
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Exercise: Hardware and Software


Physical components that make up a computer system.


Computer programs and related data that provide the instructions for telling computer hardware what to do and how to do it.

Give names to all the numbered hardware components above:


  1. Expansion cards / graphics card / sound card / network card


  • Word Processor
  • Operating System
  • Game
  • Spreadsheet
  • Virus Scanner
  • etc

NOTE: If you mentioned a brand name such as Windows TM, you get no marks, the exam wants software types meaning you should have written Operating System. After all, for the previous question, you probably didn't answer Nvidia GTX 970 SSC ACX 2.0.

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Abbreviated as HW, hardware is best described as any physical component of a computer system that contains a circuit board, ICs, or other electronics. A perfect example of hardware is the screen on which you are viewing this page. Whether it be a monitor, tablet, or smartphone, it is hardware.

Without any hardware, your computer would not exist, and software could not be used. The picture is a Logitechwebcam, an example of an external hardware peripheral. This hardware device allows users to take videos or pictures, and transmit them over the Internet.

External hardware examples

Below is a list of external hardware or hardware that is found outside of your computer that may be found with a computer.

Components Of Hardware Software And Peopleware Of Computer
  • Flat-panel, monitor, and LCD

Internal hardware examples

Below is a list of internal hardware or hardware that is found inside your computer and may be found in a computer.

  • CPU (central processing unit).
  • Drive (e.g., Blu-ray, CD-ROM, DVD, floppy drive, hard drive, and SSD).
  • Fan (heat sink)

What is the most common hardware included with a computer?

Below is a list of the most common hardware you'd likely find inside a computer or connected to a computer today (desktop computer or laptop).

  • One or more fans and heat sink
  • Motherboard that most likely has an integrated video card, sound card, and network card.
  • For most desktop computers (especially gaming computers), a separate video card is used.
  • Cables that connect internal components and external peripherals.
  • Mouse or touchpad with a laptop.
  • Flat-panel, monitor, or TV for desktop computers and LCD as part of a laptop.

What are hardware upgrades?

A hardware upgrade is any new hardware better than that which it replaced or additional hardware that improves performance. An example of a common hardware upgrade is a RAM upgrade, where the user increases the computer's total memory. Another example is a video card upgrade, which is the act of removing an old video card and replacing it with a newer, more powerful model.

Where can I buy computer hardware?

There many locations to buy computer hardware today. Many local computer retail stores and repair shops have hardware available in stock that can be purchased immediately. However, for more options and lower prices in most cases, it is generally better to buy hardware online.

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