
Horoscopes For Beginners

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Astrology For Beginners by B. V. Raman is a book that has been written for those who are interested in the field of Astrology or those who want to explore the subject for their curiosity. The book is in its 26th edition and begins with a foreword. It is divided into chapters and the details are explained in a sequential manner. The first chapter in the book talks about the requisites of Astrology and the second chapter deals with the creation of a horoscope. The next few chapters reveal the clues that help in assessing one s duration of life and also the time of possible death. The book also gives tips on how to find out about one s personality, characteristics, mental state, physical wellness, and maladies through astrology. The later chapters in the book talk about the ways of learning about one s academic, financial, and personal life. The book further reveals the influence of kith and kin in one s life, financial liabilities, marital prospects, and circumstantial outcomes, and even provides hourly predictions, while mentioning the transitory periods. The appendix section mentions the means to establish ayanamsa and bhavas.

May 11, 2018 - BY JOANNA C. Most of us read our horoscopes at some point, skeptic or not. Most of us also only read our Sun sign horoscope,.

If you want to use astrology to understand yourself and others, you need to know the astrological basics and what they represent: the 12 signs of the zodiac; the Sun, the Moon, and the planets; and the 12 houses of the horoscope.

Signs of the Zodiac: Symbols, Dates, Traits, and Planetary Rulers

What’s your sign? A zodiac sign is the portion of the zodiac occupied by the Sun at the moment of your birth. Because the Sun resides in each sign of the zodiac for about a month, those signs are also known as Sun signs. The following table shows the 12 Sun signs — along with their astrological symbols, their dates, the essential traits associated with them, and their planetary rulers:

Astrology: Planetary Symbols and Influences

Horoscopes For Beginners

Astrology holds that the Sun, the Moon, and the planets represent different facets of who you are and express their energies through the signs that they occupy in your birth chart. This table shows the astrological symbol for each of those celestial bodies (plus the Nodes of the Moon and the asteroid Chiron) and what it represents.

Astrological Houses and What They Mean

Just as the band of sky where the Sun, the Moon, and the planets can be found is divided into 12 signs, an astrological chart is divided into 12 houses. Each astrological house influences different areas of your life, as shown in this table:

Horoscopes For Beginners

PdfHoroscopes For Beginners

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HouseArea of Influence
First HouseAppearance, outward personality
Second HouseMoney, possessions, values
Third HouseCommunication, immediate environment, brothers and sisters
Fourth HouseHome, parents, roots, circumstances at the end of life
Fifth HouseRomance, children, creativity, fun
Sixth HouseWork, health, service
Seventh HouseMarriage and other partnerships
Eighth HouseSex, death, regeneration, other people’s money
Ninth HouseHigher education, travel, religion, philosophy, publishing,
Tenth HouseCareer, status, reputation
Eleventh HouseFriends, groups, goals, aspirations
Twelfth HouseSeclusion, secrets, spirituality, self-sabotage,