Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Reviews
Get $3,680 worth of homemaking resources for just $29.97 with this Ultimate Homemaking Bundle 2018! It is an incredible deal – only available for 6 days: April 11, 2018 – April 16, 2018. Grab yours before this deal ends! Making a home is harder than it looks. Every year when I purchase the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle, I have trouble keeping track of all of the logins and course information for the online eCourses.
Is the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle worth it? Why is the course such a good deal? Or is it? Will I get anything from any of the courses? I mean, it’s about homemaking. Do I really need help with homemaking? Read further to get the full scoop!
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If you have heard about the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle, you may be considering if this is right for you. What is it anyway? Why are all these bloggers giving away their expensive courses for such a bundled low price? Will it even help me?
You see, Ultimate Bundles allows bloggers to get their names out there in one big package. It also allows you, the consumer, get a rockin’ good deal on some amazing products.
On first look, the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle can seem overwhelming! That’s how I felt when I first read what was in the package. I mean, where does one even start?! I’ll try to break down that for you and help make the decision a little easier.
Is the package right for everyone? No. It isn’t. It’s especially not right for you if you don’t have an extra $30 budgeted for a product right now. However, there are some good things in the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle that could easily save you $30 over the course of a few weeks, a month, or a year, if you can spare it right now.
When you buy the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle using my affiliate link, as a thank you I will send you a bonus. The bonus is my Happy Simple Home decluttering workbook. It includes over 60 pages of checklists and resources to help you start decluttering your home. (Just send me a copy of your invoice to [email protected], and I will forward the Happy Simple Home decluttering workbook to you! This product alone is worth $14!)
What is in the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle?
The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle is a collection of digital products to making your homemaking life a whole lot easier. It is a collection of ebooks, products, and courses. It includes printables, planners, audio sites, membership sites, and so much more. Ultimate Bundles groups all these resources together at a crazy, low price.
Contents: 30 eCourses & Videos, 28 eBooks, 25 printable packs, 16 workbooks, 3 summits & 2 membership sites
You have one year to download all the resources, but once they are downloaded, you have lifetime access. You can keep this stuff to reference for all seasons in your life when you are ready.
I bought the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle myself. I admittedly don’t care about many of the categories, but the few categories I do care about make it more than worth it!
Better yet, I plan to turn a couple of the products into Christmas gifts this year. For example, I plan on printing the bonus coloring collection and giving it to a girlfriend who would enjoy it more than me!
This is a quick sale! The 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle is only on sale May 1 – May 6, 2019. It will be a different bundle next year. So don’t miss this sale!
Should I buy the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle?
That depends.
Do you want to save time in the kitchen? Would you like some workout routines you can do from your home? How about a new planner or guidance on your money spending? Want to declutter your home? There is something for everyone!
If you are a homemaker, whether a busy working mom or a stay at home mom looking for some help making life a little bit more manageable, the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle does have something for everyone. I swear by it.
The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle 2018

Pick your favorite three products and start there. There’s good stuff in the bundle. There is literally something for everyone. Ignore the stuff that doesn’t appeal to you. There is a lot to consume. You don’t have to consume it all to get your money’s worth!
You will have 6 months to download all the products. If it is a course, you will have lifetime access. However, you must download them or sign up for the courses within that initial 6 month time frame.
What is included in the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle?
The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle is broken down by category, and there is A LOT OF INFORMATION in each category. Seriously, there is something for everyone.
- Creativity and Decor – 10 products
- Faith – 13 products
- For Kids – 9 products
- Home Management – 13 products
- Homeschooling – 8 products
- In the Kitchen – 6 products
- Marriage – 6 products
- Organization – 10 products
- Parenting – 13 products
- Self Care – 10 products
- Work at Home – 6 products
- Bonuses – 11 bonuses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (My absolute favorites!!!)
Since there were so many faith submissions, there is also a mini-faith bundle you can purchase for an additional $7.
Bonuses in the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle
These bonuses are crazy! Hurry though. They have a limited download time, 30 DAYS. You will not have access to them for the 6 months, as with the other products.
I made this mistake last year and waited too long on some, so go ahead and download them the day you get access. You won’t regret it!!
- Musik at Home – FREE 3 month subscription – Get your preschoolers and young children involved with music at an early age, even if you are not musically inclined. (I’m tone deaf, I should know this is a good deal!)
- You Need a Budget – FREE 4 month membership – I’m being honest. I purchased the bundle 100% risk-free because of this bonus. I have YNAB and LOVE it! Every year it catches expenses we would miss, and it pays for itself in no time. The budgeting is superior to any other product on the market. (Even if you are already a member, you can email them and they will add 4 months to your plan. They are the coolest.)Current subscribers can email YNAB, and they will add the credit to your account. SIDE NOTE: They added the free months within 3 minutes of emailing them. Love these guys!
- List Planit – FREE -3 month pro membership – For all you list lovers, this is a digital list making dream.
- Around the World Stories – 10 FREE audio stories – We plan to use this on our three-week camping trip this summer to help keep the kids entertained.
- BookRoo – FREE 1 month subscription – This bonus also makes the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle totally worth it. (If you don’t want to continue the subscription, go ahead and email their customer support at [email protected] requesting cancellation after the free box. I did the searching for you! 😃) You do pay $5 for S&H, so it is like getting brand new books at $2.50 each. A good deal still.
- Hope Ink – FREE Printable Art Postcard Set PLUS $15 Credit to Hope Ink Shop & Two 8×10 Art Prints PLUS 2019-2020 Printable Calendar. I wasn’t a huge fan of this freebie. You have to use the $15 credit, but the cheapest thing I could find was $28. If you love it, you still get three prints for $8, so not bad. I wasn’t looking to spend that much on prints.
- Fitb2 Studios – FREE 2 month membership – Free, online workouts for 2 months!
- Puroco – FREE Self care bundle. Click on the self care bundle link and use the coupon code. I paid $7.25 in shipping, but I got a quality bar of soap, free chapstick and skin relief salve. A pretty good deal for quality products. It would have cost me nearly $30 before the coupon. If I like them, I may try their shampoo bars next.
- Orglamix – FREE natural eye shadow kit – You pay $6.99 shipping. $7 for quality, safe eyeshadow is a steal!
- Cultivate What Matters – FREE $15 gift card
Seriously, if you are wondering if the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle is worth it, the bonuses alone pay for it several times over.
Is the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle worth it?
If you let the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle overwhelm you, you may wonder if it was really all worth it. It is!
Here is my best advice with this review, don’t commit to downloading, reading or taking every course or product offered. It is too much!
Pick the categories that most appeal to you, and download those first. (You probably won’t be interested in every single product offered, and you will still get your money’s worth several times over.)
Remember, you have 6 months to access and download everything. However, once downloaded, you have lifetime access.
What if you only care about one category? Like the Home Management category. Is it still worth it? Absolutely!
The products in that category alone can easily add up to over $200. In the Home Management category alone, there are multiple resources to help you clear the clutter, clean your home, and a premium decluttering membership.
I’ve also been eyeballing the capsule wardrobe guide by Frump Fighters for some time. It is included in the bundle!
Here are my favorite resources in the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle:
I’m going out of order, listing my absolute favorite and value-added bundles first!
The bonuses alone made the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle worth it. Hands down.
YNAB, or You Need a Budget, is my favorite and nearly pays for the entire bundle cost. It is like getting the rest of the bundle for about $2. CRAZY!
Home Management in the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle
There are so many wonderful resources in this section. Moms don’t usually have a lot of time when you are done working, taking kids to all their activities or maintaining a home. There are some great resources in here to help you conquer the days when you are feeling overwhelmed.
Declutter 365 Premium Membership – I love the Declutter 365 website, and the premium membership is a steal! You would normally pay $49 for access to this membership site for a year. Taylor, the owner of the site, gives real-life advice and solutions for clearing clutter.
Declutter Your House in a Weekend by Abby Lawson – Knock out the clutter in a quick weekend! A great ebook to get your started.
How to Host a Crazy Profitable Garage Sale: A Step-by-Step Guide For Making the Most Money From Your Next Yard Sale by Heather Behrends – If you are done with decluttering and want to get the most bang for your buck, check out this ebook.
Journey to Clean Workbook by Leslie Lambert –A pretty solution for cleaning printables and cleaning calendar. Print and stick it to your fridge. Let your family know what needs to get done without them even asking!
You guys! I would probably buy the Ultimate Homemaking Bundlefor the Home Management category alone. These are just some of my favorites. There are so many amazing resources in this bundle for making home management so much easier and for decluttering your home once and for all.
Self Care in the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle
The Stay-at-Home Moms’ Year-Round Outfit Guide: 280+ Outfits for the Entire Year eCourse by Corina Holden – I’m so super excited about this course! I signed up for Corina’s freebie a while back, and I’ve been eyeballing this course for a while. I used to work outside the home, but now that I work from home, I’ve fallen in a “fancy sweatshirt” rut. I can’t wait to use this to build my very own capsule wardrobe. ($39.99 value!)
7 Simple Days eBook by Jennifer Burger –I’m all about simple living, and this book is great for kick-starting your journey. Jennifer gives practical advice to make it a reality.
Bust Out of the Makeup Rut eCourse by Alison Lumbatis – Make-up is something I never really got a lesson in as a kid. Let Alison walk you through her course and spruce up your makeup routine! ($29 value!)
Seven Day Hair Challenge: Easy to learn hairstyles for busy moms! eCourse by Caroline Allen – I can’t wait to try this one out with my oldest daughter. She has long hair and always wants mama to try something new.
Organization in the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle
Get Organized HQ: 2018 Virtual Summit – There is so much good stuff in this virtual summit. I’ve seen a few of the presentations, and they are GREAT! ($49 VALUE!)v – I am so excited about this subscription. My normal Barre video streaming is $19/month. That makes this one subscription worth the cost of the bundle, hands down!
Vacation Planner Printable by Megan Duesterhaus – Got a vacation coming up? This planner is great for planning and tracking your trip.
Mom’s BFF Planner Printable by Antoinette Walker – This planner can be your go-to printable planner. It has everything from calendar pages, budget tracking, doctor visits, freezer inventory, fitness tracking, password tracking, and project planning, just to name a few. ($25 value!)
Creativity and Decor in the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle
Brush Lettering 101 eCourse by Shelby Abrahamsen – I’ve been wanting to try out bullet journaling, but I stink at brush lettering. I’m excited to try this course out, essentially risk free with it being included in the bundle. ($47 value!)
How To Choose Paint Colors For Your Home eBook by Jann Newton – While a minimalist, I stink at decorating and choosing a paint color baffles me every time. I look forward to using this information when we redo our office space.
Quote Decor: Simply September Collection Printable by Lindsay Bartelt – Downloadable quotes you can use to decorate your home without a big cost. Sign me up!
Redesign Your Home: An Interior Designer’s Secret Steps to Redesign your Space eCourse by Angela Block – Again, we are redoing our office, and I want the space to look nice. I can’t wait to take this course and do it on my own, rather than hiring a designer. ($35 value!)
In the Kitchen in the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle
Can we say printable and meal planning galore?!!!
Anchored Women Meal Planner: A Simplified System eCourse by Kayse Pratt – Use this course to transform your meal planning system. You also get a workbook to help you through the course.
Ultimate Baking Bootcamp by Heather Perine – I want to bake, I really do. Maybe this course can fix me.
Parenting in the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle
A Purpose Driven Mom Summit – I love virtual summits. It’s like going to a conference from your couch in your jammies. So make a tea, and pick and choose from over 20 speakers! ($39 value!)
Guilt-Free Guide to Summer: Your Fail-Proof Plan to a Summer with Kids You Can Feel Good About eCourse by JoAnn Crohn – I LOVE JoAnn’s work, and I can’t wait to implement her course this summer. Last year was my first summer home, and I so needed this guidance. ($45 value!)
Montessori Beginnings: A Modern Approach to Montessori at Home with your Toddler. by Holly Daniel – I’m a big believer in the Montessori approach and any guidance I can receive is appreciated. I can’t wait to finish this course.
Purpose Driven Mom Summit 2019 by Cara Harvey – This one isn’t live yet in the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle review at the time of this post, but I CANNOT WAIT!! This mom gig is hard enough, and I love summits that allow me to grow as a mom and do it from my couch with a hot tea after the kiddos are in bed.
Strong Bodies, Strong Minds: Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits & Bringing Peace To The Family Table! by Melissa Benaroya – Anyone else struggle with picky eaters? Yeah, me too! Check out this course for some useful tips.
The Gentle Parenting Course: The straightforward way to effectively discipline your children – without yelling or spanking by Lizzy Mash – I think many of us moms like any help we can get in the discipline department. Mom guilt is powerful, but we also don’t want a bunch of little terrors running around. Who is with me?!
Homeschooling in the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle
2018 Digital Homeschool Convention Sessions by Holly Chubb – Another conference brought to you at home! ($79 value)
Faith in the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle
There are so many resources in the faith section that they actually created a separate mini-faith bundle, you can get for an additional $7. The following are included in the primary bundle:
Family Moments: 12 Months of Themed Family Nights by Keri Lynn Snyder – I really liked this package. Simple, family activities to do together once a month, each with a theme. It is a great resource for talking with your kids about topics that matter and build character.
80 Positive Affirmations for Christian Families by Tara Ziegmont
ABC Bible Memory Workbook for Kids by Jennifer Smith
Color and Memorize: Encouraging Bible Verses by Amy Blevins
Encourage My Tween Child’s Heart: How to Connect With Your Child, Build Character and Parent Their Heart. by Lee Felix
For Kids in the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle
101 Screen-Free Ideas: Printable Activity Cards by Julie McCorkle – I’m a big believer in limiting screen time, and here are some great ideas for entertaining your kids, without the TV.
Happy Journal for Kids by Jennie Moraitis – My daughter loves to read and write, and this is the perfect starter journal for her. I can’t wait for her to continue using it, especially this summer.
Working at Home in the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle
As a work from home mom, I love this part of the bundle. Although I have already moved pass a lot of these intro courses, if you are looking to start working from home, there is some good content in this part of the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle.
Work at Home Trello Pack by Amylee Udell – I can’t wait to dive more into this resource. Trello is a powerful tool, but I have yet to master it.
Etsy Quickstart Guide: How to Start Selling on Etsy & Build a Sustainable Business by Abby Banks – For all your crafters out there, use this guide to start building your business on Etsy.
Mom to Momtrepreneur: Guide to Conquering Your First 30-Days Blogging During Nap Time by Cassie Scroggins – I love Cassie’s work, and she has great information to share with moms wanting to work from home.
My Honest 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Review
Whew! That was exhausting. There is soooooo much stuff in the 2019 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle. It literally overwhelmed me when I first bought it, and I wasn’t sure what to open first.
My best advice with the ultimate homemaking bundle review, pick the category that speaks to you. Download the one product you are most excited about, and dive in!
I absolutely think the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle is worth the $29.97 price tag. I didn’t even cover every course, ebook, or resource. This bundle is a steal!
Access Ultimate Homemaking Bundle
There are resources that will teach you to save money, give you back time, make your more efficient with planning and just make life a little more fun. Seriously, this bundle has good stuff.
Everything in the bundle won’t be right for you. That’s ok. It’s a big bundle. Skip over that stuff! Just focus on the stuff that appeals to you. Even if you only pick 2-3 products from the list, you are going to get more than your money’s worth.
The Ultimate Bundle
When you buy the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle using my affiliate link, as a thank you, I will send you a bonus.
The bonus is my Happy Simple Home decluttering workbook. It includes over 60 pages of checklists and resources to help you start decluttering your home. (Just send me a copy of your invoice to [email protected], and I will forward the Happy Simple Home workbook to you! This product alone is worth $14!)
I hope this helps! Happy homemaking everyone!